Saturday 17 May 2014

A letter from 23 to 24


Dear 24 years old Intan,

Hi, I am your past. We are in the same body created by Allah S.W.T.  but I have seen the world before you. The moment you read this letter, I'm no longer here and have become part of your life history.

As 24 years old girl, do not forget your responsibilities to our Pencipta. Jaga ibadah yang wajib especially solat 5 waktu sehari semalam & puasa. Dan jangan lupa ibadah-ibadah sunat. If possible, try to find sebanyak masa yang boleh untuk buat ibadah sunat.  Baca al-quran & try to understand makna-makna disebalik bacaan tersebut. Ada permata yang kita cari selama ini.

Jaga mak & abah, hormati mereka. Mereka sentiasa mahukan yang terbaik untuk anak-anak mereka. Try to listen more and talk less with mak & abah. That are the secrets how to handle them. But if you want to say something, talk with them nicely dan nada suara yang rendah. I notice that we have high pitch voice, tapi cukupla sekadar untuk digunakan nyanyi choir or nasyid. Salah nada kekadang orang boleh salah faham dan terasa hati.

You are not perfect, sometimes you will make mistakes. But when you make mistakes, admit it first then muhasabah diri. Jangan terlampau dibelenggu dengan ego sehingga mengaburi segala-galanya. Set in your mind that mistake is one of teacher in your life. Learn from past mistakes, improve and move forward. It's ok untuk buat salah, but never repeat the same mistake twice. Ambil yang jernih buang yang keruh.

Be open to accept something new or changes. Dalam kehidupan seharian kita, akan sentiasa ada benda baru untuk di pelajari. Kita tak sempurna dan tak semua benda kita tahu dan tak semua benda kita je yang betul.

Learn to FOCUS and SENSITIVE to your environment!

Find the goods in people and especially yourself. Yeah, semua orang ada kelemahan masing-masing as we are not perfect. But…cuba fokus kepada nilai positive dan improve nilai yang negative tu. Jangan terlalu memandang negative to yourself.

24 years old Intan, I did planned something for you and our future. Tolong sambung and hope it goes well. But in case, somethings happen dan tak menjadi seperti yang dirancang. Bertenang…because Allah knows what's the best for you. Allah is preparing something better for u, me and our future.

Dan semua itu hanya sekadar reminder to you & our future. Remember, I'm your past. I made mistakes. I want you to learn from it and hope you won't repeat the same mistakes in future. Learn from it!OK!

Hope you'll be someone better than me. Istiqamah dan dapat buat dengan lebih baik lagi. Kalau rasa lonely sangat, sentiasa ingat Allah kerana Dia sentiasa melihat kita, even kalau cakap apa-apa dalam hati pun Dia tahu. Ingat kekasihNya dan tengok cermin; you'll see someone who always accompany you no matter what happens. Letak tangan di dada or tepuk bahu & smile. You'll feel much better! Trust me!

 "Remember that happily ever after doesn't exist here in this world, it exists in the next world - in Jannah".

Short & simple from me.

All the best, 24 years old Intan.

23 years old Intan.
I'm deactivate…

P/S: Peoples said age is just a number… Umur adalah benda yang akan bertambah dalam kehidupan kita tanpa perlu buat apa-apa. Setiap detik yang berlalu akan membuatkan umur kita bertambah. Semaki berlalu masa, semakin meningkat umur, semakin kematian menghampiri kita. Syukur, Alhamdulillah atas nikmatMu yang dipinjamkan hanya untuk sementara ini.

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