Sunday 30 November 2014

Being idle


Hai Incik Bloggie... Do you miss me? *a cliche question which I have already known the answer mihmihmih... *

It's been awhile I haven't posted anything here. Tengok entry terakhir update pun acah-acah hangat tahi ayam je tulis nye. Mostly just copy paste cerita-cerita yang rasa menarik untuk dikongsi.

The feeling of not involving myself in the blogging arena kept coming back and now then.

Firstly, because I think it's better to keep silent rather than writing something so called as 'nonsense'.

Secondly, better to keep things private. That's the main reason why I private my blog, deleted instagram & twitter except FB *sebab nanti orang nak invite pi kenduri kahwin hehe...*. Meninggalkan dunia media sosial yg mana kalau org tak ada account tu boleh dianggap 'pelik'. Mungkin dilakukan di bawah minda separuh sedar but I made it! *halfway la tapi..since still aktif di FB.* Smile ;)

Thirdly, I think... I have to focus on study...tak dak masa meh *ini alasan... *.

But to be honest, during the period of not blogging, rasa macam... Oh tak boleh lagi. A lot of things dalam otak ni have to put in writing or else semua akan hilang seperti dedebu yang ditiup angin. One of the mediums I have to express it, is by writing it here. I mean for an idea which need long elaboration or discussion. Or else, I'll post it on FB or type dekat apps note. Seriously, idea yang tak ditulis or record or yg sewaktu dengannya memang boleh hilang seperti dedebu yang ditiup angin. For me la...

The adrenaline to write suddenly urged me to get my fingers on the keyboard fast. That's how I end up with this entry.

What I've learnt during the 'idle time'...tak salah if nak menulis sesuatu yang 'bermanfaat'. That's the key point! Write if you think it'll be benefited to yourself and others, if not it's better to keep silent! Shhhhhssss...

Dari Abu Hurairah R.A, sesungguhnya Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda, "Barangsiapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, maka hendaklah ia berkata baik atau diam, barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, maka hendaklah ia memuliakan tetangga dan barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, maka hendaklah ia memuliakan tetamunya." - Sahih Bukhari 

I have an idea what to write in my next post! Hope I'll have time to write it... ngee~~~ Dan bukan sekadar omong kosong. Tengoklah sekiranya masa tidak mencemburui diriku.

Till we meet again Incik Bloggie...


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