Sunday 10 August 2014

Hanging Terrarium


Hai Incik Bloggie!

I guess rakyat sarwajagat mesti dah tahu apa itu Terrarium kan kan kan....

First time I heard about this thing was about past few years ago from my younger brother; around 3 - 4 years approximately. *I can't remember lol! short term memory loss. Aigo!*. At that time my brother was in his secondary school. He joined terrarium competition that was held in conjunction with pesta bunga or known as FLORIA~~~

Frist time dengar, my reaction was like *makhluk apakah itu???*. With a brief explanation from my brother then I got it, what's terrarium exactly.

Even ramai dah tahu, aku nak share jugak lah ek.

A terrarium is an area within a glass container usually enclosed to keep an ecosystem in a small scale. No live animals or insect are kept in the jar, it's purely a miniature garden. - Incik Wikipedia

Then lately rasa maca terjatuh cinta pulak dah dengan hanging terrarium. 

Boleh gantung dalam toilet.
Dekat kepala katil pun boleh! Look nice!
Boleh buat hiasan dekat meja makan juga~~~lalala~~~
I'm thinking of decorate my room with hanging terrarium yang comel2 ni. Sebab katanya senang nak menjaga terrarium ni. Since I love green so much kan! So, memang sesuai la nak menambahkan kehijauan dekat dalam bilik tu.

I found satu kedai yang jual hanging terrarium ni, November Culture dekat Subang. I'll pay a visit to this place one fine day.

Hanging terrarium at November Culture.
Picture taken from yunamusic instagram.
Hope the price is reasonable, or else I'm thinking of bully-ing my younger brother *tolong buatkan along terrarium yang simple & cantik!*. 

That all from me, have a nice Sunday everyone! *open house here & there is it?* Selamat ziarah menziarah. Me & my family will pay a visit to my cousin house this afternoon. Excited nak melawat baby burhanuddin yg cute!

Till we meet again Incik Bloggie!


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