Hi Incik Bloggie!
This entry is a special compilation of my Ramadan Reflection. I posted these messages on my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as a daily reminder for myself during Ramadan. It was based on what I saw, learnt, read and felt on that day. Seriously, terasa ia memberi impak dalam mendidik dan memperbaiki diri sendiri.
Day 1: A chance to start over...
Day 2: A month of forgiveness...
Day 3: Apa yg ada di langit dan apa yang ada di bumi, semuanya milik Dia yang satu.
Day 4: To improve internally and externally is man’s responsibility towards himself and towards Creator. Be a strong believer and committed in improving ourselve, life and community. InshaAllah...
Day 5: One of hardest battle is battle against myself; battle against my own desire, ego & stubbornness...
Day 6: "The true joy of breaking fast is not just to be able to eat or drink but to know in your heart that you have indeed fasted, in the true sense of the word; body, mind and soul"
Day 7:
Day 8: Cry...but in meaningful way
Day 9: Somehow it was not a failure...it was a lesson and turning point to a better me.
Day 10: Close doors and the illusions that blind you
Day 11: Our relationship with Allah is a love story - Profesor Tariq Ramadhan
Day 12: Melihat apa yg ingin dilihat, mendengar apa yg ingin didengar, membaca apa yg ingin dibaca, memahami apa yg ingin difahami. #HumanBeing
Day 13: Our relationship with Allah is a love story - Profesor Tariq Ramadhan
Day 14: Bila berada di puncak, jgn terlalu asyik mendongak ke atas. Sesekali lihat ke bawah, ingat asal usul. Pandai-pandaila jaga diri & bimbing diri sendiri sebelum anda dibimbing dan menjadi pembimbing, ya Intan.
Day 15: To impress people is hard. Really...somehow it feels like a burden. But...it's easier to impress Allah. So, work hard to impress Allah the almighty, instead of trying to impress people. The best thing is that when you impress Allah, He will open the hearts of good people towards you.
Day 16: Lihat apa yg kamu ada & orang lain tiada. Lihat apa yang kamu miliki & orang lain tidak miliki...
Day 17: The piece is more beautiful for having been broken
Day 18: Life full with questions. But sometimes the question is more complex than the answer...
Day 19: “Kebebasan yang diberikan kepadamu (apabila diketahui oleh mereka) lebih dekat untuk mententeramkan hati mereka, menjadikan mereka tidak berdukacita, serta menjadikan mereka reda akan apa-apa yang engkau lakukan kepada mereka. Dan (ingatlah) Allah sedia mengetahui setiap yang ada dalam hati kamu. Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Penyabar.” (Surah al-Ahzab 33: 51)
Day 20: Start with Bismillah. End with Alhamdulillah. Patience with SubhanAllah. Promise with InshaAllah. Your life will be blessed by Allah.
Day 21: Kembali kepada asas...Kembali kepada Allah S.W.T.
Day 22: Something bigger...
Something better...
The key point is 'sabr'
Day 23: All we have is all we need. All we need is the awareness of how blessed we really are.
Day 24: "Jika benar cinta kita kerana Allah, mana mungkin ada marah, dendam dan kecewa…"
"Kerana itu pujangga sering mengungkapkan, cinta tidak semestinya bersatu. Cinta tidak membelenggu tetapi membebaskan!”
Day 25: Ada kelebihan di setiap kekurangan. Ada kekuatan di setiap kelemahan. Ada sukacita di setiap dukacita. Ada harapan di setiap keraguan. Ada kemudahan di setiap kesulitan. InshaAllah...bila tiba waktunya.
Day 26: Kecantikan seseorang itu terletak pada adab dan akhlaknya.
Day 27 : "Kita hidup dengan apa yang kita dapat tetapi kita membina kehidupan dengan apa yang kita beri.” Jangan sesekali pernah rasa rugi memberi...niatkan hanya kerana Dia...
Day 28 : ”Three qualities are from patience: not to speak about your misfortune, not to speak about your pain & and not to praise yourself” - Sheikh Sufyan Ath-Thawri
Day 29 : Reflecting with our heart.