Monday 7 July 2014

Living in Present


Hai Incik Bloggie!

Present located in between Past and Future. Present, where I am currently living in. Past has left me and Future is a mystery.

I think key to a quality life is enjoying and appreciate the present moment.

Ada orang masih terkurung dalam penjara kisah silam, not letting go and moving on. too... Sometimes, rasa macam 'alangkah baiknya dapat kembali ke masa dulu...begitu dan begini...' 'nak macam dulu-dulu...'. That are signs of not letting go of the past.

Ada juga yang terlalu asyik memikirkan or dreaming about 'the mystery Future'. Yeah...kadang-kadang aku pun begitu. I want this and that bla...bla...bla... I wish my future bla...bla...bla...*malu nak tulis...ceyh!*

So, kekadang aku terlupa dengan kehadiran satu entiti antara Incik Past dan Incik Future yakni Incik Present. Kasihan beliau dipinggirkan, sedangkan beliau should be my center and focus. Fokus untuk membuat perubahan dari masa silam yang dah berlalu untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.

I'm not saying lupakan masa silam begitu sahaja dan tak yah pedulikan apa yang bakal terjadi in future. Cumanya kekadang, we get loss by remembered the past like regretting what has happened and busy planning or worrying what will happen in the future. I realised, too much focused on past and future will steal our attention from 'what is', I mean Present. Don't you think so...

Now is the moment of power, where all decisions are made, all emotions are felt, all life is lived. - Anonymous

Like in the movie, I think Present is a lead actor in our life while Past and Future are supporting casts. It's not that they are not important. Cuma...Present is more important than the two. Present di mana titik tolak sebenar in our life. Present pun deserves our attention. Kan! 

Ok... take a deep breath. Jom tengok satu video ni.

From the video; Past is history, where we should learn the lessons. Don't limit ourselves disebabkan masa silam. Make improvement in present life as preparation for future. Since future is a mystery. Sentiasa ingat kita merancang tapi Allah adalah sebaik-baik perancang. He knows what's the best for us.

By living in Present mungkin akan buat kita rasa more positive emotions and fewer negative emotions. Sebab, tak adalah kita terbelenggu dengan penyesalan from something has happened or stress apa yang bakal terjadi. Let's be opened to Present.

You are too concerned about what was and what will be. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the 'present.' - Master Oogway, from Kung Fu Panda

Be present, live in the moment, live in reality. =)

It's not easy as it sounds. Bercakap sentiasa lebih senang dari nak buat kan. For me, its kind of 
'Walk the talk Challenge', let's give a try. InshaAllah.

Spend some time each day to stop and breathe. 
Spend some time each day to be alone and to centre ourselves. 
Spend some time each day to notice the little things. 
Spend some time each day to revisit why we do the things that we do. 
Spend some time each day to differentiate between the things that matter and the things that don't. 
Spend some time each day to have a bird's eye view about where we came from, where we are, 
and where we are going.
- Aiman Azlan

Just my random thought... Mohon tambah mana yang kurang, mohon betulkan mana yang salah. Saya
budak baru belajar *bukan nak buat pantun & memang tak ada rhythm pantun pun...heh!*

Salam sayang & jangan marah! Kalau marah kena jual, kalau tak marah teruskan berkasih sayang. = )

Till we meet again Incik Bloggie!


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